💡 Developing a Story Idea: Preptober & NaNoWriMo 2024
Week one of Preptober is officially here.
Important note: you should still read this even if you already have a story idea or are going to be participating in NaNo with an already-in-progress draft.
Developing a story idea can seem daunting, but I promise it’s not that hard (once you start the process, lol).
The first thing you should realise is this: the idea/plot you have now is not concrete.
I know when you’re trying to brainstorm ideas it seems like you have to think of everything NOW, and this is your final chance, blah, blah, blah. No! Right now is your time to brainstorm, not stress 😂
Step One: Get an idea
If you already have an idea, great! You can use this week to deepen/fledge out your idea.
Don’t gots an idea? No problem! You can try out plot generators/idea creators like this, or this, or even this. I also recommend talking to friends about ideas, as well as pulling from movies/tv shows/books. You could even create a complete mash up of multiple stories, like The Pirates of the Caribbean meets The Princess Bride meets Spiderman. That honestly sounds really fun and hilarious, haha.
Step Two: Go straight to the “plotting board”
Once you have even an inkling of an idea, sometimes even before, you should immediately go to the “plotting board” (writer’s take on the drawing board). If you don’t know what plotting methods to use, check this article out (it has 7 different plotting structures), or check out Save the Cat (my personal favourite).
All you have to do is fill in the blanks of story ideas! Plotting is really fun. I promise. (Also, I have a lot more to say on this topic, but plotting week for Preptober starts October 7th.)
Step Three: Keep building and refining
This step is my favourite. You’ll probably end up switching out your entire original plot by the end of your refining process, but the point is to keep adding. Chew on your story at all times, and if you ever have an idea, head straight to your Notes or Voice app (or, even better, add it to your plot without the middle man).
If you have an already-in-progress draft…
Just plot. Please do more plotting. Also more character development. It’s always needed!
Your Quest: take an idea, and find your next step.
Some questions to help you get started:
Who would the characters be in this situation?
What plot point would incite this?
Why is this happening?
What would happen after this?
I’d love to hear your ideas!
Last year, I developed my idea with my brother only a couple of hours before the first of November. 🤣 I'm certainly better prepared this time!