You guys probably didn’t know this, but I actually quit NaNo.
Uhhhondayone. It was going to be a secret ordeal…I wasn’t going to tell anyone. Unfortunately (from a certain point of view) my accountability partner found out.
So…I decided to hop back on the train. Two days ago, I had 600 words. Last night I had 2k words. I know that’s not a lot, but I’m actually pretty proud of myself for getting back at it. For me, if I don’t do it 1000% perfectly the very first time, I often get super unmotivated to try again.
So why am I sharing this with you all? Because no one is perfect. And if you thought that I was perfect…well here’s proof I’m just like you.
Guys, you can do it. If I can convince myself to do NaNo again after I had convinced myself I couldn’t, you can too!
And also, if you’re debating whether or not to do NaNo, here’s your sign!
so...what are you going to do today:
crush your goals? or crush your motivation?
Good for you for giving it another try! I actually didn't get past 2K when I tried NaNo a few years ago, and for very similar reasons to yours -- ADHD and perfectionism. My writing was such a mess, and it discouraged me. I wish I'd known at the time that this was normal! XD
All that is to say that you should be proud of yourself for trying again, and for being vulnerable and sharing this! Thank you for the motivation. <3
why is in unfortunate that i found put (you told me anyways) 💀💀